I’m so late with this post but better late than never, right? So Easter has passed and one thing comes to mind when I feel like baking in the Spring. That would be cake and cake of any kind. I’m talking yellow, white, chocolate, fun-fetti, strawberry, banana, or any other flavor you can think of. Cover your cakes with your choice of frostings and fill with whatever you like. Family favorites always come into play this time of year because of graduations, communions, weddings, showers, etc. This brings me to my Cookbook of the Month – April 2019 recommendation, The Cake Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum.
Cookbook of the Month – April 2019

Published in 1988, this cookbook is an encyclopedia of every cake you may have heard of over the years and have wanted to bake in your own kitchen. Baking cakes can be daunting and intimidating for any baker, novice or professional. Baking cakes can be a mystery yet yield one of the greatest sweet treats for all occasions. I truly believe in a great cake not just a good cake. So finding one you love is key because it can become anything you want it to be like the recipes in this cookbook.
Cookbook of the Month – April 2019

One of my favorite cakes from The Cake Bible is the All-Occasion Downy Yellow Butter Cake (page 39). Always the recipe I go to when I want full-on butter flavor and moist, tender crumb. It’s a cake which can be filled with creams, custards, and fruit fillings, versatile enough to accommodate just about anything. I’ve counted on this cookbook over the years and it’s never steered me wrong.
Go ahead, bake those cakes of your dreams. The recipes are easy to follow and more than 200 recipes exist in the book. Not sure what frosting, filling, or topping? Rose gives her recommendations on what cakes to pair with what and as a result I have found these tips to be extremely valuable. You’ll find recipes with less sugar and saturated fat without comprising one ounce of flavor.
Cookbook of the Month – April 2019

You’ll find decorating techniques for both beginner’s and advanced bakers. Don’t worry there is a section for all you master bakers, too. The one piece of advice both Rose and I agree upon is to read your recipe before baking. I want each cake you bake to be a success and following the instructions is key, a guaranteed perfect result each time. No baking book could be any clearer and simpler to follow. If you love baking as much as I do, checkout Rose’s other baking cookbooks. Grab your cake pans and apron…enjoy and have some fun in your kitchen.
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