February is Black History Month and my Cookbook of the Month – February 2018 recommendation allows me to share with you a few family memories. The cookbook is Mama Dip’s Kitchen by Mildred Council. Published in 1999 by the University of North Carolina Press in Chapel Hill. Mildred Council better known as Mama Dip has fed thousands for over twenty-five years in her legendary restaurant, Mama Dip’s Kitchen. A much-loved community and loyal fans have made Mildred and her restaurant an institution. Fans include legendary cookbook author and critic Craig Claiborne and basketball player Michael Jordan. This cookbook offers more than 250 of Mildred’s traditional southern recipes and memories about her life and food.
Cookbook of the Month – February 2018

Cookbook of the Month – February 2018
The introduction to this beloved Southern cook’s story is one of growing up in poverty yet never feeling like her family was missing a thing. Growing up described as Negro or Black American never changed Mildred’s feelings of being an American citizen. Mildred’s early childhood allowed her to accept life’s experiences and a means to raise her children no matter the struggles and disappointments. Mildred’s story is the foundation of being thankful, spreading love, and how Mama Dip’s Kitchen was born. Cookbook of the Month – February 2018 features breakfast dishes, breads, poultry, fish and seafood, beef, pork and lamb, vegetables and salads, desserts, and more. Straightforward country cooking which makes satisfying family meals any day of the week.
Cookbook of the Month – February 2018
Like any other little girl growing up, Mildred would pretend to cook and feed her dolls mud pies. Years later, those mud pies would be made with edible ingredients which became a dessert in her restaurant. Following breakfast one day as her father was heading out to the fields to plow and plant, he asked Mildred to stay in and cook something to eat. She was nine years old and the youngest of seven children. Mildred’s mother had passed at age 34 when Mildred was 23 months old. As Mildred grow taller with age, she was given the nickname “Dip” because of her long arms and ability to reach further than anyone. Watching a family friend and her older sisters prepare “Dump Cooking” recipes, Mildred took notes about how ingredients went together. For Mildred, Dump Cooking meant you used no recipe, only eyeball it, feel it, and tasting it. This is the way my Grandmothers learned to cook and passed along those tips to my Mom.
Cookbook of the Month – February 2018

Mildred worked in a small take-out restaurant where she honed her business skills. While working at a local hospital in 1976, the first black realtor in Chapel Hill asked if she would take over a failing restaurant. Mildred could not put any money down so her children helped her get the place ready for business naming the restaurant Dip’s Country Kitchen. The restaurant started with 22 seats then growing to 90 in 1985 when she purchased more space next door. In 1998, Mildred purchased land across the street and built her own restaurant which opened as Mama Dip’s Kitchen in 1999. This restaurant Mildred says will be the legacy to her children.
Cookbook of the Month – February 2018
My Cookbook of the Month – February 2018 is a wonderful cookbook filled with those simple recipes served in her North Carolina restaurant. I am proud to say my parents were frequent visitors to Mama Dip’s Kitchen on their way to and from Florida for 16 years. Mom would rant and rave of Mildred’s Fried Chicken and Dad would go on and on about her Fried Catfish and Turnip Greens. Locals and celebrities alike are true fans of Mama Dip’s Kitchen and why I am a fan of my Cookbook of the Month – February 2018.
Cookbook of the Month – February 2018
In 2016 at age 87, Mildred celebrated 40 years in the restaurant business. Cooking simple Southern foods with fresh ingredients for family, friends and strangers was her life. Mildred says food brings joy. Writing Mama Dip’s Kitchen, my Cookbook of the Month – February 2018 was a labor of love. Mildred believes food is always important no matter the agenda. Feel free to modify, experiment and adapt to what you like. Seems like Mildred’s country cooking and farm to table was cool before knowing it was cool. Passion and love for her community has never wavered and she is most deserving of any award bestowed upon her. Mildred’s children carry on the legacy of Mama Dip’s Kitchen and the love of feeding people from the neighborhood, college students and the famous.
Cookbook of the Month – February 2018
I celebrate Mildred Council, Mama Dip’s Kitchen and my Cookbook of the Month – February 2018 of the same name. Most of all, if you love easy, simple, tasty, good food, check out this cookbook and Mildred’s other cookbook, Mama Dip’s Family Cookbook. Love food, cook food, share food, and spread love. If you happen to be in Chapel Hill, North Carolina stop by and grab a bite at Mama Dip’s Kitchen because this restaurant comes highly recommended.
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