So sorry this post was so late but I was a little under the weather but I’m back full throttle. I bring you one of my favorite ingredients and a very versatile one at that. Greek Yogurt – March Featured Ingredient is creamy, thick, smooth, protein-packed and a food to be included in all diet plans. If you’re lactose intolerant, there are soy and coconut based yogurt which can be used in its place. Trying to find replacement foods due to intolerance or allergy, you just have to keep trying them until you find one that fits your needs.
Greek yogurt is an especially good choice for people with Type 2 Diabetes. I know because I was diagnosed with this disease 7 years ago. With its pudding-like texture and tart flavor, Greek yogurt has more protein, fewer carbs and sugars than your traditional yogurt. You don’t have to have health issues to eat healthy which as a nation I think we’re figuring that out. We should be eating as healthy as possible every day. That doesn’t mean we can’t splurge either. We shouldn’t go overboard but you know its hard when juggling busy schedules. You probably schedule grocery shopping and still find yourself picking up anything in a hurry. Yes, this causes us to buy not so healthy options for our families.
Greek Yogurt – March Featured Ingredient

Even if you’re not a lover of dairy, most will eat Greek Yogurt. I personally feel the creamy texture makes it a winner. Greek Yogurt – March Featured Ingredient is strained to remove liquid whey. This process increases the protein and removes some of the carbs which makes Greek Yogurt a perfect choice for breakfast, and snack time. No need to worry you’re eating too many carbs. Eating low glycemic index foods at breakfast keeps your body from having blood sugar spikes and feeling full and satisfied longer.
With so many brands and flavor available, read nutrition labels carefully especially if you’re diabetic. Non-fat is always the best choice. Fruit on the bottom will have more sugar and carbs so add your own fresh fruit to suit your taste. Choosing Vanilla Greek Yogurt brands usually have lower carbs than fruit flavors. So as not to exceed your carb limit check package label. Greek Yogurt can range from 7-12 carb grams per serving. On average snacks should have 15-30 carb grams and meals 45-60 carb grams. Your doctor will tell you where you need to be at each meal and snack throughout the day.
Greek Yogurt – March Featured Ingredient
Let’s not forget Greek Yogurt – March Featured Ingredient can be also be used in recipes. Use this creamy treasure in place of sour cream in dips with fresh or dried herbs. greek Yogurt makes a great topping for baked potatoes. Make easy desserts by using non-fat Greek Yogurt, honey, chopped nuts and a drop of your favorite extract. Also make marinades and dressings using Greek Yogurt. Chicken is fabulous marinated overnight. It’s like using buttermilk but without all the fat. Just your favorite herbs and seasonings to the yogurt, drop in chicken, cover and refrigerate. Bake or grill and dinner is served. You’ll wonder why you never thought of this before. Most of all, experiment for yourself with breakfast bowls and replacing sour cream in your recipes. Greek yogurt is so much more. Until next month…
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