Nothing is better than using fresh citrus juices in your recipes. That bottled stuff is okay in a pinch but fresh is so much better. The taste is fresher as it should be. Rather than buy the bottled stuff I use fresh when cooking. But what do you use to squeeze that tablespoon needed for a recipe? Squeezing with your hand is fine but sometimes the skin on lemons can be rather thick and hard to squeeze. Seeds sometime get through and you find them after the fact. With that being said, let’s talk about what I use and recommend whether needing a tablespoon or a 1/4 cup of lemon, lime or orange juice in my installment of Equipment Corner, Hand Citrus Juicers.
I have a large electric citrus juicer but use it seldom because it’s bulky and a pain to clean. When my Mom and dad traveled to Florida every year, Dad would ship my sister and I oranges fresh from the trees. Now it just sits in the box barely used. You need something smaller and easier to use. If you have a citrus reamer, they work well enough but I find all the juice never comes out and there’s the problem with seeds again. What I use and the easiest to use is a hand lime or lemon juicer or squeezer.

Hand Citrus Juicers
Hand Citrus Juicers are made to release all juice and keep seeds in. I find you’ll get the most juice possible from this little kitchen gadget. You will find it to be invaluable in your kitchen. No pulp or peel either. Hand Citrus juicers come in different sizes allowing you to squeeze limes, lemons, and oranges. I have pictured lime juicer, lemon juicer and a wood citrus reamer. Cost varies so shop around and check for the weight making sure it’s on the heavy side and made well.
To use, first of all, roll your citrus back and forth several times on the counter. Rolling distributes the juice and softens the skin allowing more juice extraction. Due to the fact most Hand Citrus Juicers are made of metal and coated, you’ll own one for a very long time. Mine are about 15 years old and still going strong. Now that’s what I call durable. They actually come color-coded I say because green is for limes, yellow is for lemons, and orange is for oranges. If oranges are small enough the lemon juicer will work. This tool is so handy when making cocktails, too. In the spring when blood oranges are in abundance, my juicer get a workout. Fresh juice for anything I desire. I can’t imagine my kitchen without this handy tool, Hand Citrus Juicers. If you haven’t purchased this versatile tool, run down to the nearest store selling kitchen gadgets and pick one up. If you already have Hand Citrus Juicers.then you know what I mean. Happy Juicing!!! Until next time…
Hand Citrus Juicers

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