Welcome to Ingredients of the Month…a place to learn about specific ingredients along with uses in specific dishes. Each month I will feature an ingredient, answering your questions about “what do I do?” with a variety of ingredients already in your pantry? What herbs do you use when roasting meats, vegetables, making homemade salad dressings or soups? What combination of herbs and foods work together? Let my ingredient of the month feature help you create awesome dishes for friends and family. Look for some special ingredients you might not have thought of using. Ingredients of the Month is built on suggestions and helpful tips for you to create food masterpieces built with spectacular flavors in your kitchen.

Today, a phenomenal increase in so many varieties of foods available is amazing. It is breathtaking and stimulating for foodies like you and myself. But what about those of you learning to cook or needing new fresh ideas to perk up old recipes? Look no further…
Ingredients are any combination of foods and seasonings which make up a specific dish. Availability of non-native foods is both astounding and confusing but great to see. You say, “What is this and what do I do with it or what flavors work best together?”
Over the years, our interest in cuisines from all over the world have naturally lead us to want to experience foods in different ways. You like to eat what may be familiar, yet struggle wanting to experiment, experience new flavors and textures in food. You want to eat healthier at home and say, “Bring it on” when you’re dining out. You tend to eat what you know and shy away from things unfamiliar. Come on and let’s be daring.
Let me teach you each month on how to bring to life an ingredient in your kitchen. Some you will be familiar with and some will be intriguing. I will guarantee you good eats.
Happy Cooking!
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