So, how was your day today? I hope this post greets all my fellow foodies with hopes of good health and still staying safe. This last week has weighed heavy on my heart , my family and friends and others. I know “this too shall pass”. Yet in the meantime, let’s bake up my Tart Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler. Dessert is always in order and right now just what the doctor ordered at least in my kitchen. It’s easy to prepare and utterly de-lish, both tart and sweet.
Tart Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler

My Dad loved strawberry rhubarb pie but as I cleaned out my pantry, I stumbled upon a can of tart red cherries. Wanting to only bake a small cobbler, the canned cherries were perfect. It brought back so many memories baking this cobbler. From baking for my Dad back to eating my Granny’s cobblers. Those memories are good for the way we’re living at the moment.
Tart Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler

On to baking up one fantastic cobbler that you’ll want seconds after the first bite. Make sure to clean your rhubarb as you would celery but remove the leaves if any, because they are not edible. For my cobbler, use 1/2-inch thick slices or cubes. This allows the fruit to cook in minutes. Cook your filling until rhubarb is tender and filling has thickened then remove from heat.
Tart Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler

Make your crust or use store-bought to line your baking dish. Pour cooled filling into pie shell. Decorate top of cobbler anyway you like. I tend to enjoy torn pieces of crust in my cobbler for those ooey gooey doughy bits and then lattice the top. If you enjoy a full top crust then by all means cover the top remaining dough. Now you’re ready to bake. Serve with a big dollop of vanilla ice cream. This cobbler will make you swoon and a perfect ending to a family dinner filled with happy memories. Thinking of you Dad! Enjoy!
Tart Cherry Rhubarb Cobbler
1 pie crust recipe for two-crust 9-inch pie, homemade or store-bought
14.5 oz. can tart red cherries plus juice
2 cups large diced fresh rhubarb
Juice of half lemon
1 t. vanilla extract
3 T. cornstarch or instant tapioca
1/2 t. Ceylon cinnamon
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 t. kosher salt
2 T. unsalted butter, sliced
Heat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium saucepan, combine cherries with juice, rhubarb, lemon juice, vanilla, cornstarch, cinnamon, sugar, and salt.
Bring mixture to simmer in saucepan over medium heat. Cook until rhubarb softens and filling thickens, about 15 minutes.
Remove pan from heat and stir in butter until melted.
Line 8×8-inch baking dish with one crust. Spoon filling into dish and cover fruit with remaining crust as desired. Use strips of crust to cover cobbler, cutting small pieces of crust and mixing pieces into filling.
Bake until golden brown and bubbly, about 35 to 40 minutes.
Cool 15 minutes on a wire rack until ready to serve with vanilla ice cream.
Makes about 6 servings.
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