Welcome back to Equipment Corner! Seems like kitchen gadgets are taking over our kitchens. Your gadget drawer or you’re like me have bins are overflowing and a time comes when you need a vegetable peeler. The family wants mashed potatoes and you cannot find your vegetable peelers. Yes, I said Vegetable Peelers as I’m assuming your gadget drawers have more than one. Crazy, right? Not really as this seems to be the one gadget you keep buying because you’re trying to find the one you love. Trying to find one that stays sharp, peels over un-smooth surfaces and divots. One gets broken or dulls just when you need it most.
So let’s solve the mystery together. Good Vegetable Peelers should remove thin layers or just enough skin and not repeat peeling over and over in the same place. Good peelers should handle any bumps, curves an in and lumps in a vegetables surface.
Vegetable Peelers
I must say you will probably try several styles and brands looking for the perfect peeler. Prices may vary ranging from $5.00 up to $20.00. Vegetable Peelers may have swivel heads, ceramic heads and made of stainless steel or plastic. Some are better for lightweight tasks and others for heavy-duty peeling.
The best peelers are those which do not chip away or do not glide over vegetable and cheese surfaces easily. No clogging or peels becoming stuck as a result you should be able to control peeling without it being a chore. Hands hurt after peeling, get a new peeler. The blade itself is what creates the push and pull motion and ease of use. Smooth and efficient is what you want.

Vegetable Peelers
I use OXO Good Grips and a ceramic head peeler. The OXO peeler I use to peel potatoes and hard vegetables. My ceramic head is more fragile due to the blade being glass. If it chips it’s not usable because the blade will not glide over surfaces of any kind. Store where it will not come in contact with any other gadget. Otherwise this type peeler is great for shaving hard cheeses like Parmesan, chilled butter or chocolate for curls.
Most of all, the best Vegetable Peelers are sturdy and sharp. The blade should move effortlessly no matter its shape. Simply choose based on your preference for straight or Y-shaped peelers and comfort in your hand. Depending on your uses, it won’t take you long to either hate it or love it. Run on down to your favorite store where gadgets are sold or shop online to view.
Happy Peeling!

Vegetable Peelers
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