“Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies”

Wondering what to do on a cool Saturday afternoon with the kids? How about baking cookies? Never a bad choice when weather is rainy and kids are unable to spend the day outside playing. Bake up a batch of my Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies. The kiddos can even help Mom in the kitchen. So there may be a little flour mess and sticky hands but who cares as it’s all in fun and deliciousness.

Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies
Heavenly Nutty – Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

These cookies are infused with browned butter which give them a nutty flavor. The exterior is crunchy on the outside while chewy on the inside. Each bite renders the taste of crunchy macadamia nuts and smooth, creamy white chocolate chips. I use Ghirardelli brand white chocolate chips as I find the taste more appealing. Some brands tend to have a waxy taste which is not flavorful. Click on the link to read more and you should be able to find Ghirardelli brand easily at your local market.

Browning butter for any use in baking and cooking is easy but you must keep your eye on the prize. Just place butter in a saucepan and cook until milk solids begin to become brown. This process can take a while however,  I recommend going slow if this is the first time browning butter. Be careful as there is a fine line between brown and burnt. If you happen to burn the butter, start all over as the burnt taste is not what you want.

Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies
Take a Bite! – Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

Once you bake with browned butter, I promise you will find other ways to incorporate the nutty ingredient into more recipes. The internet is full of variations of this recipe but this recipe for Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies are made with a favorite cookie dough. Don’t be afraid to experiment with a plain cookie dough and adding in your own favorite cookie ingredients. The possibilities are endless but the results are so worth the effort because buttery, crunchy, chewy treats are always in order.

Fall is my time of year for baking. Not that I don’t bake other times of the year but when it’s 90 degrees outside, baking may not be the first thing to come to mind. But on one of those cool days, don’t hesitate to bake up my Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies. So grab your mixer, the kiddos and get to baking and watch the smiles grow from ear to ear with cookies made with love. When you make this recipe, #chowdownlowdown. I say, Happy Mom, Happy Kids!. Enjoy and Happy Baking!

Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies
Kid-Friendly, Mom Approved! – Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies


Browned Butter Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies

2 cups (4 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces

4 ½ cups unbleached all-purpose flour

2 ½ t. baking soda

1 t. kosher salt

2 cups packed light brown sugar

1 cup granulated sugar

2 large eggs

2 large egg yolks

2 T. vanilla extract

2 T. non-fat plain Greek yogurt

3 cups chopped macadamia nuts

3 cups Ghirardelli white chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place butter in saucepan over medium heat. Once butter begins to melt, whisk frequently, allowing butter to brown. This will take about 20 – 25 minutes. Butter will foam before it begins to brown. You will start to see brown flecks as butter browns. It is ready when the color is brown but not burned. Cool butter to room temperature, about 1 hour.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.

In a stand mixer bowl, combine brown sugar, granulated sugar and butter. Blend until smooth, 3 to 5 minutes. Sugar mixture will be somewhat creamy but not fluffy. Add the eggs, egg yolks, vanilla, and yogurt and mix until just combined.

Mix in flour mixture until just combined. Fold in chopped macadamia nuts and white chocolate chips until thoroughly mixed. Cover and chill in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cover cookie sheets with parchment paper and scoop dough by tablespoons and place about 2-inches apart. Bake until golden brown, about 10 minutes.


Makes 6 to 7 dozen cookies depending on size made.

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