“Cocoa and Coffee Breakfast Smoothies”

So, are you ready to get back to business of starting your day off right? Grab your blender and whip up Cocoa and Coffee Breakfast Smoothies. Recharge your batteries in the year and your body will thank you. Who doesn’t love cocoa or coffee flavors in the morning?

In the past 30 days or so we all have eaten things we normally don’t eat as much of and lord knows not as often. Feeling a little heavy in the middle and just plain want to get back on track, smoothies are a great way to do this. Smoothies make so much sense as they are made with protein powder for energy, rolled oats, flax or chia seeds, low and non-fat yogurt, healthy fruits and vegetables and little to no sugar. Sounds like a plan, right?

Cocoa and Coffee Breakfast Smoothies

All the cheese and cream sauce laden foods taste great but it’s time to get back to everything in moderation. Save those foods for a cheat day on the weekend with family and friends. No one loves these foods more than me and I love cooking them but even my husband and I need to get back on track.

My Cocoa and Coffee Breakfast Smoothies are under 30 grams of carb which is ideal for a snack or meal replacement. Plus, they taste great and you can customize to your own taste buds. It’s fun to come up with your flavor combinations. Furthermore, get your kids involved, too. Most kids I know love the blender. You may have most of these items in your kitchen right now. Make use of all those leftover fruits and vegetables taking up room in your refrigerator. So, here’s to a happy, healthy 2017.

Cocoa and Coffee Breakfast Smoothies

Cocoa Breakfast Smoothie
Cocoa Breakfast Smoothie
Coffee Breakfast Smoothie
Coffee Breakfast Smoothie


Cocoa Breakfast Smoothie

1 banana, frozen

1/2 cup rolled oats

1 – 5.3 oz. Dannon Oikos Triple Zero Chocolate Greek Yogurt

3/4 cup low-fat or skim milk

1 – 1 oz. package Tera’s Whey Dark Chocolate Cocoa Whey Protein Powder

Agave syrup, optional

In a blender place banana, oats, yogurt, milk, and protein powder. Blend until smooth, scraping down sides as necessary. Add Agave syrup for additional sweetness if desired. Pour into glass or shaker bottle to drink on the go.

Makes 1 serving. Carbs, 26 g.


Coffee Breakfast Smoothie

1 1/2 cups skim milk

1 sliced banana, frozen

1/2 cup rolled oats

1 T. ground flax seed

1 t. coffee extract

1 t. agave syrup

In a blender, place ingredients in order listed. Turn on blender and whip until smooth. Pour into glass or shaker bottle.

Makes 1 serving. Carbs, 28.5 g.

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